martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Tuesday 21st

How are you today?

You can do Activities 1 and 2 from the new PDF.

Let's write in your notebooks or a sheet of paper:

Today is Tuesday, April 21st.

It is ___________.

We are in Fall.

Today we practise Phonics.

Let's work with Upper Case and Lower Case:


Let's play a the link below and then click PLAY. Choose letter sound and then memory game:

Upper and lower case monster game

And sing a song:

Have a wonderful day! See you later alligator...

Miss Pau

2 comentarios:

  1. Magdalena Mackintosh mama de Delfi21 de abril de 2020, 14:46

    Hola Miss Pau! No puedo abrir el link del juego. Upper and Lower Case Monster Game. Esta hecho el enlace? gracias

  2. Lo probé y funciona, probá de nuevo si? y me decís...
